Tuesday 14 October 2014

The next step!

After deciding with the fertility specialist to try IUI a few times before moving on to IVF I was to call him as soon as I got my period (which turned out to be a month after the laparoscopy).

I called on the day to make an appointment for day 2 but the receptionist didn't have any spots so I made an appointment for day 3 and went into for a baseline scan. By the way, this was an internal scan where they put the probe into your cervix. I hate these scans! He said all looked fine to told me to inject FSH 25iu for 4 days and then to come back for another scan.

Using puregon was super stressful for me. I hate needles and I was terrified that I was going to mess things up. However, it didn't sting as badly as I expected and I felt better having done it.

At my second scan the FS said that my right ovary was flourishing (the side with the blocked tube) which was not what I wanted. I felt like giving up right there and then because there was no development on my left ovary.

Regardless, I decided that if there was any chance (apparently the left tube can catch an egg from the right ovary) of me getting pregnant I had to take it.

So I kept going with the injections for three more days and returned once more.

This time he said that the follicles on my right had not really grown. But there was a follicle on my left ovary which looked like it might be a lead follicle!!! But he mentioned that my endometrium was 3.5 which didn't seem great but he wasn't too concerned.

He increased my dosage to 41iu and off I went over the long weekend. I got raspberry leaf tea capsules and maca capsules in the hope they would thicken my endometrium. And I started doing fertility yoga in front of the tv. That helped me with deep breathing and I started to feel good.

I returned 5 days later and he told me that the follicle on the left side was 21.5mm, ready to go! Yay!

That night I injected 6500iu of pregnyl (hcg). This needle STUNG! I had to stop until it stopped stinging and then injected a little bit at a time. At this point I can't believe I ever freaked out about going to get immunisations. Seriously.

The next day I didn't feel much.

The following morning I was up early, ready to take my husband's sample to QFG to be 'prepared'. I drove as quick as I could in peak hour traffic into the city and passed over the swimmers.

I waited around 40 minutes till I was called and given a small test tube, which I prompted placed in my bra to keep it warm.

I drove to my FS's office and was soon sent to the back room where I sat down and passed the FS a letter from the clinic. He read it and announced that the sperm looked good. I was happy to hear this as I know how important that can be and my husband has been diligently taking his supplements for the last few months to improve things.

I once again got on the table and this time a speculum was inserted. I found this super uncomfortable. I tried so hard to relax. I couldn't feel much after that. He told me to rest my pelvis and lay there for another 10 minutes.

After that he told me he was feeling much more positive about things and would wait to hear from me.

I was to inject 1500iu of pregnyl  at 4 and 7 days after IUI.

I felt quite crampy for the rest of the afternoon so I tried to lay down as much as possible.

For some reason I took my basal body temp the day before IUI and it didn't go up the morning after IUI so I panicked. I felt like I hadn't ovulated so I felt like we missed our chance. Some articles state that washed sperm live between 12-48 hours so I really don't know.