Saturday 16 August 2014

The 5 days after my laparoscopy...

Day 1.

As I hadn't been in any real pain in the hospital I was not given any pain killers. As soon as I got home my shoulders were killing me. I quickly took two codeine/paracetamol tablets and fell asleep. I woke up in pain after two hours but couldn't take pain killers for another two hours so walked around the house to distract myself from the pain. I took the medication my anaesthetist gave me for nausea. I used constant heat packs (to the point it was burning my skin) to ease the pain. I got about four hours sleep overnight, which I thought was okay as I had slept most of the day. I wasn't hungry but had clear fluids, including peppermint tea, water and lemonade. At this point I was taking pain killers every 4-5 hours. I noticed that I had blue liquid, as well as some brown discharge in my pad. I quickly messaged my friend who assured me that it was the dye they use to check your tubes. Phew!

Day 2.

I was in slightly less shoulder pain but now my lower back was sore. I was still using heatpacks, pain killers every 5 hours and nausea medication. I found I could be semi comfortable if flat on my side so I lay like this for a while. I felt pretty miserable on this day. It was also a public holiday so some friends came over and kindly brought me some flowers and warm wishes.

Day 3.

My husband had to go back to work so I was on my own. I was in less and less shoulder pain so stopped taking pain killers during the day. Plus I started to worry about my bowels as I hadn't so much as passed gas and have occasional constipation issues anyway. I took a coloxyl tablet but I don't think it did anything. I decided to call my doctor to find out the results of my surgery. He said that my ovaries were "good" and my endometriosis was "good" but that my right tube was blocked. He said it had scarring and adhesions. I had a cyst removed and endometriosis burnt about ten years ago so I wondered if this happened then. I'm very surprised when he said my ovaries and endometriosis was good. I really want to get more information and confirmation before I get too excited because I was told that I have polycystic ovaries (via a few tests in the last few months) and endometriosis (via the lap 10 years ago, and apparently endo only gets worse). I tried to ask questions about what we would do next, iui, ivf etc but he said we would discuss that at my next appointment.

I decided to try and remove my dressings and put new ones on if needed. This took a while and freaked me out as I don't like blood and was trying not to faint. I washed both my belly button incision and pubic line incision and dried them before putting breathable Band-Aids on so my clothes didn't rub. I took a nap this afternoon which I didn't realise I even needed!

Day 4.

I was off the pain medication and moving around a lot more easily. I felt like my bladder was filling really quickly. I drove to a friend's place and we went out for brunch. It was really nice. I was pretty tired when I came home but kept going and tried to tidy the house. We went out to dinner with my brother and his fiancĂ© and while we were there my belly button was stinging. It felt like it was pulling from the inside. I don't know how they do dissolving stitches but I felt like I had internal stitches. I really hoped they would settle down. 

Day 5.

I had to try on bridesmaids dresses today so I had to cover both my incisions so they wouldn't rub. I was still quite swollen today but I'm not sure if that's from the gases or because I'm constipated. I managed to try on dresses and walk around with the bridal party for a few hours but as soon as I got home I was sore everywhere and had to sit down with a heat pack on my lower back. My period also came today so I'm not sure which symptoms are which anymore. I decided, after two more coloxyl and half a bottle of prune juice, to send my husband to the late night chemist to buy me an enema. It eventually got things moving a little bit.

Laparoscopy time!

I'd fasted overnight and was super thirsty. I hadn't slept well but hopped in the shower and into my loose but warm clothes.

Luckily my husband woke up to take me to the day hospital. He's not a fan of getting up before 8am so 6.15am was always going to be tough for him.

We arrived and I was admitted with my husband with me. I was given panadol with water which didn't make sense as I thought I couldn't drink? Anyway, I then said my goodbyes to my husband as I was led to get dressed. I got in a hospital gown, which I had so much trouble figuring out as it had three ties...seriously..are people not challenged enough? Then I put my hairnet and footcovers on and sat in the waiting area. I was eventually called by the anaesthetist  and discussed my worries about nausea, as after my last laparoscopy I was readmitted for severe vomiting. I was then sat back down in the waiting area.

After a little bit longer, I was collected by a lady with heavy make up. She asked if I'd been to the toilet and I said no she she told me to go. I then realised I forgotten to take my underwear off, so I quickly removed it, along with any dignity and walked back to the lady. We walked down a hall then and into an operating room. There were two cheerful ladies setting up... 'don't look' I thought, 'don't look'. On the other side of the room as my anaesthetist. She asked how I was feeling I said 'fine, freaking out a little bit'. Then I climbed awkwardly on the table. I was so nervous at this point. There really was no turning back. The anaesthetist then told me I would feel a sting in my hand, and YES I did. She told me to look at the other lady who was putting a mask on my face. Something tasted weird and they began chatting about the ekka. I don't remember anything after that.

I started waking up in the recovery room every time a machine beeped and my arm cuff swelled. I could only wake for a moment because I felt SO TIRED. The nurse, who knows what she looked like, asked if I was in any pain. I think I said no. Then I dozed again. She then checked my vitals again, my pad, and offered me water before moving my bed to the other side of the room. People were asking about my pain and all I wanted was to be left alone to sleep. So very tired.

Eventually the anaesthetist came to speak to me. I think she said something about giving me a script for nausea medication. I really don't know.

Then another lady came and asked how I was. I told her I was so tired and didn't want anything. She said I needed to have some lemonade and tilted up my bed. I had a few sips of lemonade but really didn't want them. She put a bung in my drip and I suddenly felt pain under my right ribcage. After a little while longer of trying to keep my eyes open she checked my pad and asked me if I was ready to get dressed. I said I would try and she handed me a pad. She helped me to get into sitting position and then found my clothes and assisted me to get ready. She then took me to a sitting area with armchairs and I sat here for about half an hour before my husband came.

Another nurse came and checked my temp and blood pressure before removing the needle from my hand. I was then stood up and was sent on my way.