Sunday 20 July 2014

The post-new-diet thyroid check

So  about 3 weeks later I went along to a different (female) GP to get my pap smear and asked her if she could check me for any deficiencies. She sent me to have my blood taken and as it happened they also checked my thyroid.

A few days later I got the results and my thyroid had gone from 5.4 to 2.3, which is a normal thyroid level. This was great news to me as it meant I didn't need thyroxine yet. It's hard to know if my thyroid is improving because I'm off gluten and dairy and on selenium, vitamin e and vitamin d or if it's just all over the place. Only time will tell.

My new diet is having other effects. I have had issues with what the gp assumes to be a haemorrhoid for about 6 months. His advice was to increase fibre and vegetables. But it got better for only a little while (and with the help of anusol) and then I'd be back at square one after something was too firm one day. Now that I'm not consuming gluten I've had next to no trouble with it. I can eat meat again (they seemed to make things too firm) and not stress about going to the toilet. I do have an appointment with a specialist so he can have a look this week but it feels so much better!

Another effect of my diet is my skin. I've had pimples since I was about 12. They went away while I was on yasmin and yaz and returned one by one when I went off it. Days after this new diet began there were no new pimples of my face. I thought it was the gluten so I had some milk in my tea and a decaf coffee last week. My skin erupted. So I'm back off the dairy and within days my skin has pretty much cleared. AMAZING.

Next I'm off to the fertility obgyn to get my results...

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